Pseudopanax 'Linearifolius'
Erect growing evergreen New Zealand native shrub, probably a hybrid of Pseudopanax crassifolius and Pseudopanax lessonii. Leathery leaves with three to five (3-5 foliolate) long, narrow leaflets with serrated margins. Leaves may become 3-foliolate or even simple (i.e. a single leaf per node) as the plant matures.
Requires well-draining soil and is not tolerant of damp soil conditions. Grows well in any light situation from shade to full sun. Tolerates light to moderate frosts, coastal conditions, dry shade, and exposed sites.
Ideal tub plant. Great as a backdrop for smaller plants and useful as a contrast plant in particular when combined with large-leafed shrubs such as Griselinia lucida or Meryta sinclairii.
Type of plant
Shrub - EvergreenSize
2-3 m tallLandscape Use
foliage plant, coastal gardens, exposed sites, contrast plant, tub plantSpecifications
- Temperature: Half hardy
- Light: Low Medium High
- Moisture: Low Medium
- Wind tolerance: High
- Coastal tolerance: High